Monday, January 15, 2007

Making do

I've been betrayed. The machine that I talked myself into wanting, the machine that made me love it with all its tricks, its needle down, its speed control, its multitude of pretty stitches has crapped out on me. Its sexy purr, reduced to an athsmatic wheeze. I have that string quilt layered, basted and waiting, and when I push the pedal, the machine stalls. It goes, it slows down, it goes again, it breaks the top thread. Repeatedly.

I swear.


I can't put up with it any longer, so Mr. Flash-in-the-pan is in the case, waiting by the door for a ride to the vet. We're in the middle of a storm, so it's not going anywhere immediately, but it IS going to the shop as soon as the roads clear up.

And my lost love, banished to the basement is back. No handsome devil this one, it's battle scarred and missing a few bits, but we're making it work. The needle screw doesn't quite make it to the arm of the Big Foot, so we've improvised with a rubber band from the mail. And since these dogs don't drop, they're covered over with packing tape. Purr? No, this tiger roars. It ain't pretty, it's ain't quiet, and it CERTAINLY ain't fancy, but it gets the job done. So there.


QuiltingFitzy said...

Sorry you have an "illness in the family". Never ever get rid of the tried and true, they NEVER let you down!

Fruit Jar Nicky said...

That may be why I never spend the big bucks on a sewing machine.

I'm sure all will be well once it goes to the vet.

Dorothy said...

Nicky, I'm chuckling at the "big Bucks" comment. The "fancy" machine cost just a smidge over $200 last March. Old Faithful cost $89 in 1988. I don't tend to go in for the big bucks either.

I'm sure baby will be fine, I suspect the problem is in the foot pedal, rather than the machine itself. but what do I know?

Jules said...

My 30 year old machine has been through two foot pedals. It happens. The first time the pedal went, it started getting hot. The second time, I could either go fast or slow, but nowhere in between. However, they have changed the foot pedal technology and I have been told this one should last "forever". I don't think they have a clue how much the machine has been used over the years... (I haven't been using the machine for 30 years. My mom used it for the first 23 years of its life.)

Deborah M. said...

I;m curious if that's the foot from Keepsakes Quilting you are using there. I was thinking of buying one but wondered how it works before I spend $25.00 on it.