Saturday, December 29, 2007


(I'm a day late - if I make the title sound frantic, maybe you'll believe I'm so overwhelmingly busy I JUST.DIDN'T.HAVE.TIME!!!) or maybe I forgot. oops.

Oma's Christmas box arrived last week, Phentex(!) slippers for the kids, leftover Halloween candy, and a chocolate T, an S, and a D. Wow.

Chocolate letters have always been a part of my Christmas. There was always a 3"x4"x1" little box wrapped and under the tree for each of us, and we always knew, generally, what it was. What we could never bank on, though, were the details; specifically, the particular letter we'd be enjoying that year.

Whether mom just put it off too long, or she was waiting for that last paycheck before Christmas, or whatever, it was rare that I got a D. Or John, a J. Or Ed an E. Selection, by the time mom shopped, was limited so as long as the letter appeared somewhere in your name, it was good enough. Johannes Arie, Edward Charles, Dorothy Margaret, Robert Paul, and Alexandra Nicolette - she had plenty of latitude, so just about any combination of leftover letters in the bin would work.

Mom must have shopped early this year. Or got lucky.


Tanya Brown said...

This is great stuff. The tradition lives on.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Christine Thresh said...

Did your mother like her cross stitch Joy?

Zazzu said...

That's it. Next year I'm asking Santa for a chocolate alphabet.