(abridged definition from Merriam-Webster online)
Main Entry: res·o·lu·tion
Pronunciation: "re-z&-'lü-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French resolution, from Latin resolution-, resolutio, from resolvere
1 the act or process of reducing to simpler form: as a : the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones b : the act of answering : SOLVING c : the act of determining
3 a : something that is resolved
4 : a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent voted by an official body or assembled group
Okay, that out of the way, I need some resolutions - some baskets to shoot at for the next 365. For this week, maybe the week after I'll include a resolution or two, as I think of them. What I should resolve is to learn how to add stuff like this to the sidebar so it's always there in my face. Or not. There will absolutely be the standard "lose weight" (oh baby yes!), and "spend less, save more" (wimper) but I'm intrigued by the first part of that definition "the act or process of reducing to simpler form." I am SO about simpler. Seriously. I tease that I'm begging the folks at Sabbathday Lake to hold on, I'll be there in about 20 years. Maybe not, but simpler, for me, is ALWAYS better. Now, how to work my resolutions into that philosophy? I think I'll be more apt to actually keep them.
So today, I offer:
1/ I need to lose weight, get healthier. In a week and a half I will turn 42 and while I'm not absolutely thrilled with the idea, the alternative thrills me less. I intend to live a very long life - I'd love to see my 100th birthday but the fat path I'm on right now is limiting my chances of doing that. How much weight? Dunno, but a pile, that's for sure.
2/ Reduce debt. Well of course, who wants to be beholden to others? I hate that we carry a balance on a couple of cards, and it will end as quickly as possible. I intend to draw up a spreadsheet that has a couple of functions - a monthly budget (ouch!) and a debt reduction schedule. Eliminate the small balances first, then snowball those payments onto the bigger and bigger ones . It's not rocket science, but without a plan, it doesn't tend to happen.
Okay, enough for today. It's Boxing Day (more tomorrow) and I've got some thank you packages to assemble.
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