Monday, December 19, 2005


Today I heard of a family whose father left them and took Christmas with him. He took what little money they had and I fear he took the light out of his four sons' eyes.

No one's perfect. I know that. But how imperfect must you be to not suck it up for a few weeks and let your kids have one last happy Christmas before you blow their life apart? How imperfect must you be to create four lives, four children who are here because of YOUR actions, and walk away and leave them with nothing?

What does this family need for Christmas? Extra socks and a tank full of heating oil? Store brand macaroni and cheese and powdered milk? The only tree they'll have will be cut for firewood. Their Christmas dinner will served by the dear ladies at the VFW, if they can even find a way to get there.

Tonight my angel is angry. Children deserve better than this and damn it, I'm going to do my part. I don't know if these kids still believe in Santa. I DO know that I need to give them a shot at believing in the goodness that lives in the hearts of most of us. Wish me luck. Tomorrow I'm going to try and find these kids a Christmas.

1 comment:

Vicky aka Stichr said...

Let me know if you need help Santa!