Thursday, January 19, 2006

Details, details

Cleaning house, catching up a few details (not that anyone really cares)

Got my checkup results in the mail yesterday:
  • My fasting blood sugar: 84 fine
  • BP: 110/70 fine
  • Total Cholesterol: 162 appears great, except
  • HDL: 34 far too low
  • Triglyceride: 57 normal
  • LDL: 117 above optimal
  • chol/hdl ratio 4.8 (way too high)
  • hemocrit 33.8 (way too low)
  • hemoglobin 9.9 (also too low)
So I'm anemic and I have slightly elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol and low HDL (good cholesterol.) So today I went out and bought Slo-Fe (time release iron, less chance of constipation) and Flax Seed oil. And cashews and almonds. And tonight we're having meat sauce with our spaghetti instead of just marinara. Oh, and I'm fat. Just in case I didn't already know that.

ETA: that other (you know) test, the girly one. First time EVER it's been completely normal! Woohoo! I must be livin' right! lol And we shall never speak of this again. I promise.

On a non-health related note, I finished the pine bough quilting last night and jumped into the river border. So far so good, pictures later, maybe.


Teri said...

Hey, at least you aren't a diabetic to boot!! Why are you so anemic? Last time I went to the doc I refused to go on the scale.. I told them "I'm still fat.Write that down". Geesh

Dorothy said...

Why am I so anemic? Who knows? When Simon was born I lost a considerable amount of blood and have been anemic since. At the time I took Ferrous Fumerate, 600 mg morning AND night (with a goodly swig of prune juice) and my levels only reached "normal" after 6 months. Since then, a daily multivitamin seemed to work okay until recently. So I'm adding the Slo-Fe and we'll see if that works.