Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It works!

It works! My scroll-y S works! I’m closing in on the last bit of the pine bough stitching and will mark the outside wave border and then, when it’s done, bind it, sleeve it and pack it away until Christmas. Gee, kind of an anti-climax, no?

I’m pleased that the wave pattern will work. I’ve figured out how to get around the corners, how to match the centers, the spacing… everything. I guess the quilt needed to wait this long to get finished so that it got finished right.

That pen, BTW is my magic Clover pen. Works great on the green, not so great on the red. Not at all on the tan or the busy print in the center. For those I used my handy dandy blue chalk roller and white soap. Neither has the precision I’d prefer, and the chalk dusts off if I mark too far ahead, but they did the job. If they made this pen in other colours, blue maybe, it'd be a dream. It disappears with water or a hot iron, but doesn't brush off. I'm not sure about wearing off, or disappearing with time, or reappearing with time either for that matter. I guess the packing away part will be a good test.

1 comment:

Vicky aka Stichr said...

I may have to get one of those pens. I usually just wing it....not always a good thing. I love the S's too.