Call me dense, but I still don't get it. I understand that increased muscle mass is the result of excercise, and I know muscle weighs more than fat. But I also know that muscle maintenance requires more calories than fat maintenance. I understand that an athletic 130lb body has a higher caloric requirement than a sedentary 130 lb body. I understand all of those things. But I also know that the caloric requirements of the average woman, just for basic blood pumping, heart beating, respiration is about 13-14 calories per pound. Add more calories for increased activity, add more calories for muscle maintenence. If those caloric needs are not met by diet, they will be drawn from fat reserves. 1200 calories per day will support the basic metabolic function of a 90 pound body. If you're bigger than that, your caloric deficit will be drawn from fat stores.
I know it's not a simple math equation, but I also know there are some basic numbers that cannot be altered much. What I cannot comprehend is Weight Watchers' assertion that not eating enough could be the cause of weight gain or even weight maintenance. That's what I'm getting hung up on. THAT's what I don't get. It sounds, to me anyway, like a mantra that's been repeated often enough that they now believe it to be fact. I guess the skeptic in me needs to see the science before I'll believe it too.
That's right - not eating enough can in fact cause you to have a difficult time losing weight. I didn't know that Weight Watchers claims this, but I have heard it time and time again from various fitness trainers I've had. If you don't eat enough, your body learns to store fat in reserve to nourish itself. Another reason is that not eating enough can cause you to pig out when you DO eat.
It's a fairly simple thing.. if you do not eat enough, your body believes you are starving.. even if you are 100# overweight. So it slows your metabolism to conserve energy.
I eat 1200-1400 cal./day. To lose weight I know I need to eat 1600 and walk 3 miles a day or more. Less food or less exercise.. and I'm not going to lose anything...
It is NOT "logical"..
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