Saturday, March 04, 2006

OOhoo! I figured it out!

Funny how seeing something written down has the effect (sometimes) of flipping a switch. My thinker got turned on by last night's post, and I know what my (maybe) Row Robin will be! I think I ought to start it anyway, just in case I do have to jump in. I want a pink and green crazy quilt! As soon as the idea appeared, the image started forming in my head - 6" scrappy pinks and greens, minimally embellished in the same colours, with the rows being columns instead of rows (so the quilt ends up 36" x 48") tied at the intersections with pink ribbon. Ribbon loops at the top instead of a sleeve. I can see it already!


Vicky aka Stichr said...

Got Pink? I have leftovers.

Dorothy said...

Not a lot, but probably enough. I'll let you know, and thanks!