Saturday, August 05, 2006

Blog for a nothing kinda day

I saw this a few places the other day, and thought I'd save it for a day that I had nothing else to say. Since I'm staying awake waiting for a phone call, now seems as good a time as any.

One Word for -

1. Yourself: tired
2. Your partner: frustrating
3. Your hair: damp
4. Your Mother: faraway (that is too one word)
5. Your Father: farther
6. Your Favorite Item: sentimental
7. Your dream last night: lunch
8. Your Favorite Drink: empty
9. Your Dream Home: this
10. The Room You Are In: dark
11. Your pleasure: silence
12. Your fear: stagnation
13. Where you Want to be in Ten Years? earth
14. Who you hung out with last night: Scott
15. What You're Not: patient
16. Your Best Friend: missed
17. One of Your Wish List Items: nothing
18. Your Gender: comfortable
19. The Last Thing You Did: yawn
20. What You Are Wearing: pjs
21. Your favorite weather: 72ยบ
22. Your Favorite Book: dictionary
23.Last thing you ate? : gorp
24. Your Life: content
25. Your mood: vacant
26. The last person you talked to on the phone: fax
27. Who are you thinking about right now? concierge

Wow. 27, what a weird number of questions. Let's add 3 more.

28. Earliest childhood memory: picnic
29. Worst vegetable ever grown: brusselsprouts (yeah, so bite me)
30. World's Greatest Mystery: haggis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your post: interesting