Thursday, August 31, 2006

Today is a new day

I will NOT dump cornmeal, I will NOT glue things to the counter (that wasn't me, btw), I will NOT deflate my poor boy's tires. Today is a new day.

I've got the majority of the chucks of the string quilt assembled. I'm having second thoughts about quilting it, but that's not an issue to deal with today, so I won't. I'll get those chunks done, then if I get chicken, I'll send it to Margaret. Whatever. The end justifies the means.

These two critters decided to drop in and watch me grill last night. I don't believe I have ever seen a ladybug this big. It's probably something else, but who knows? I caught it in a jar and took it over to Joe next door who was cutting his grass. He's the town vet, so of course he'd know what it was, right? ;o) Bugs are animals, too, after all. He didn't, but said it was probably a beneficial rather than destructive beetle, so I turned it loose near my roses. They're not completely stripped this morning, so I guess no harm done. Of course next year this critter will be all over the news - the destroyer of the Vermont Ag economy, but Joe said it was okay so...


Vicky aka Stichr said...

I love that bug...the beetle that is. And if it's starts a Vermont Crisis, I won't tell.

Dorothy said...

Cute, huh? He was easily 5/8" from his antennae to his bottom. Kinda creeped me out, actually. If it really is a ladybug, I can't imagine the size of the aphids he's been eating! ;o)