Monday, September 18, 2006

Say it ain't so!

Could it be, ACK! I have a YARN STASH!? How is that possible? I did have a good friend send me some loverly Crystal Palace wools to use in my A4A knitting, but there's a whole bunch here that didn't come from Susan. On the shelf above, you can see some of my ::ahem:: embellishment stash for postcards and things.

Thankfully, the yarn and embellishments don't compare to the fabric monster next door who, incidently, hasn't been fed much at all in the past 2 years. (This is only the cotton, BTW, the flannels, wools, and batts live on the other side of the room.)


1 comment:

dot said...

It doesn't take much time for things to accummulate. Good for you, not feeding the fabric monster for two years.