Friday, October 20, 2006

Hey look! Over there!

It's new hair! I'm titian! I got the new cut a few weeks ago, and gasped out loud when I looked in the mirror after Claire cut it. My hair was WAY more grey than it had been before she cut all the non-grey hair off! Made an appointment for a demi-permanent colour, and this is the result. It's darker than I expected, but I think I like it! The best part, if fades as it grows out, so no dramatic roots. Oh, and I bought new shoes today. And it's not even my birthday!


Anonymous said...

I definitely like it. I love red hair.

Anonymous said...

Super! I really like your new hair! And the style is very becoming!

Dianne said...

Cool new look, Dorothy...I love it! Funny how a new "do" can give you a real lift.

Also love the new shoes...gotta get me some!

Anonymous said...

Hair and shoes? Go buy a lottery ticket, you are on a roll surely! Great "do"!!!! Love those shoes too!

Vicky aka Stichr said...

Love it, I like the shortness too. And the shoes...are they comfy? Are they that color?

Dorothy said...

The shoes are not that colour - they're more of a sage colour with a celery swirl. And they are VERY comfy (I wouldn't have dropped the bucks if they weren't.) And thanks everyone, about the hair. While I think the colour is dramatically darker and different, a lot of people haven't even noticed!