Sunday, December 24, 2006


Shamelessly lifted from DebR's Red Shoe Ramblings because, well, it's Christmas Eve and whatever could I possibly have to write about (or do, for that matter?)

Do you own a gun? No. I'm Canadian, we don't do guns. ;o)

What do you think of hot dogs? Hot Dogs should be grilled, served VERY hot with relish and yellow mustard, eaten out of a paper napkin while standing up watching a game of some sort. Otherwise, ew.

What’s your favorite Christmas song? Ave Maria. Is that actually Christmas? It's the only time I hear it.

What do you prefer to drink in the morning? First cup, tea, then coffee.

Can you do push-ups? Plural? No.

What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? I like earrings. They are about the only jewellery I wear.

What is your secret weapon to lure the opposite sex? *snort* I'm short and fat and 40. If I've got a secret weapon, it's such a good secret I don't even know it myself!

Middle name? Margaret

Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment:

1. I'm hungry.
2. There's a cold breeze from somewhere blowing across my neck.
3. I really should get dressed so we can go out for breakfast.

Name 3 drinks you regularly drink:

1. water
2. tea (straight up, iced or hot)
3. coffee (with milk as a latte, cream otherwise. No sugar)

What time did you wake up today? 5:15, then 6:00 (heard the church bells), then 7:23

Current hate? I'm not a hater. Hate is an unproductive energy drain. Dislike? indecision. Makes me nuts.

Favorite place to be? Behind the wheel. I love to drive!

Least favorite place to be? The mall. It's like walking through the gates of hell.

Where would you like to go? Parkway Diner, for Apple Streusel French Toast, please.

Do you own slippers? yes. they live under my bed.

What shirt are you wearing? Pink nightgown with cherries

Do you burn or tan? Tan, but it's only temporary

Favorite color(s)? Red

Would you be a pirate? Nah. I take great issue with anyone feeling entitled to take things that belong to someone else.

What is your favorite holiday? Canada Day

What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't.

What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Bees.

What’s in your pockets right now? I'm in my jammies. No pockets, thoughthere could well be something in the pockets of the jeans dancing in the washer - probably a couple dollar bills.

Last thing that made you laugh? Daniel plopped down next to Simon on the couch and looked at him "Hi, Dingus!" Weird kid, that one, but he makes me laugh.

Best bed sheets as a child? Ibex flannel. Ooooh, baby.

Worst injury you’ve ever had? 1992. I slid down a flight of stairs and cracked my tailbone. Couldn't sit comfortably for weeks, I was bruised from mid back almost to my knees.

Are your parents still together? My father died in 2002

Do you wish on shooting stars? no

What is your favorite book(s)? I have lots of favourites, depends on the occasion

What is your favorite candy? Those hard strawberry candies in the strawberry wrapper

What song did you have played at your wedding? We got married at City Hall - no music.

How is the weather outside right now? 40* and drizzly

What was your first thought this morning when you woke up? What is he yelling about now? (Daniel wakes up with a bang. Ugh)


QuiltingFitzy said...

I've got your back, I consider myself tagged, lol.

Merry Christmas Dorothy, to you and yours! You've been my breath of fresh air this past year!


Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas Eve and Merry Christmas to you and the kids."Dingus", I am still laughing over that one.Daniel is SUCH a Daniel!!!! Tomorrow morning they will be quiet til the ripping of paper begins and the shouts of joy.

So where is that diner?apple streusel I gotta try!

Debra Dixon said...

Merry Christmas, Dorothy!

Deb R said...

It was fun to read your answers, Dorothy. Merry Christmas! :-)

Dorothy said...

Fitzy, Karen, Debra, Deb, shoot, EVERYone! Merry Christmas!