Summertime, and the eatin' is easy. And plentiful, and often. have I mentioned it's all about the food around here?

Monday final definitive sign that it's summer - our own city band held their first weekly concert in the park. They'll be there every Monday, 7 pm. And with that first concert, the Christian Reformed Church served up their Strawberry Social fundraiser. I'll do that, anything to support a good cause, right? Yeah, riiiiiight.
I didn't have my camera with me, too bad. My cute boyfriend was the only kid I could entice to walk up to the green with me, even promises of strawberries and cake and ice cream(!) couldn't budge them. Well, too bad, their loss. Daniel and I had a swell time listening to some pretty darn talented locals when he spied neighbour Joe on the trumpet. "Hi Joe!!" "Hiya Daniel, wanna come up and help me?" Daniel got to listen to the rest of the band concert from Joe's knee in the brass section. That's one talented veterinarian, let me tell ya! We, the boyfriend and I, have a standing Monday night date. For some hometown music. And slushies.

Next up, fried dough at the fireworks next Tuesday night, then Rainbow Ice at the Bristol Parade Wednesday morning. Book Club picnic on the 12th of July, French Heritage Day at the green, Addison County Fair, the
Rokeby Pie Social in August, and finally, the pancake breakfast at the firehall on Vergennes Day (followed by ha! a 5k road race.) Then the fall food fest starts the fun all over again. Really, is it any wonder I'm fat? I think I have to work on my "no" problem first.
Did you forget to mention Bastille Day on July 14th?
We have French Heritage Day here ON Bastille Day! How cool is that?! Poutine for everyone!
Sounds like a real Norman Rockwell sort of life.
After all, we MUST have our priorities!
Yeah, Rian, it really does, doesn't it. I guess it is, at least as close as anything gets to that anymore. And I'm glad I live in the middle of it.
Hi Dorothy, We have a bunch of festivals from now on and then the fall festivals and church bazaars begin. I love this aspect of the village. Have fun and enjoy-it's all to short not to enjoy the fun
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