Ah, glorious Sunday, lazing around, watching the grass grow. Uh, wrong. The grass has been BUSY growing, so today's job was cutting it. Looks great, and I'm that exhausted kind of tired that only yard work manages. We got the hammock out, dumb, and the kids were immediately disinterested in yard work. Imagine. Me too, but I persevered.
My weight loss has reached a plateau, and I've had no interest in base jumping. This week, I tried a dangerous experiment, just to see. I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I kept track of my steps for the WOMAN challenge, but did nothing spectacularly high energy. I had ice cream, I walked if I felt like it, and I sat on my butt and made time to read (a time waster, BTW.) Tonight I'm doing the LOCALVORE thing for dinner. ;o) My weight has not gone down (duh) but neither has it gone up. I think with a little effort now, I could start to lose again. But first I have to finish the ice cream. ;o)
In needlework news, Crazy For Spring remains unbound (don't care) and I'm working on facecloth #6. I think I'll need 8. Maybe 9. But if I finish them , yahoo, if I don't, I can pull a few others onto the localvore wagon. Keep my neighbours employed? Happy to help. Seriously. And if I can't be skinny, I'll make everyone else fat. Ha!
Dh loves ANYPLACE with "brewery" in it's name, lol.
And don't cha think that Sparks is stuck in a rut? His books are all the same, I've given him up for good I think. I'm having fun with Amish stories and James Paterson, can't seem to get enough reading..ever.
Well, c'mon over! The hammock's free, there's beer in the fridge and ice cream in the freezer. Cool breeze, fire in the pit, some local turkey sausage on the grill... I'll leave the porch light on.
I'm with Qfitzy, Sparks books are good for a YAWN. Me, I'm into the Spacy stuff..."To Infinity and beyond"...
Love the local lore, really like their logo too.
The Magic Hat logo? Good beer, too.The term localvore (like herbavore, carnivore, omnivore) is not mine. There's a group around here dedicated to supplying all their food needs within a 100 mile radius - local meat, local milk, local grain to grind (locally) into their local bread, served with local cheese and wine made from local grapes. It's hard and expensive, but a really great idea. My local vorism is mostly limited to beer and ice cream ;o)
I don't know why I picked up the Sparks book - I read The Notebook when it came out, finished it and wondered why I'd wasted those couple of hours. I left it on the seat at the pool and felt bad that I was causing the waste of someone else's time too. When they made it into a movie, I was truly dumbfounded. Same with The Bridges of Madison County, actually.
Just for the record, local turkey sausage makes me swoon.
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