Hi, been a while. I stopped by your website a while ago, looks like you weren't home - no doubt off doing something fabulous, or industrious, or fabulously industrious. You know, Martha stuff. :o)
My fingers are purple, sorry 'bout that but I seem to have misplaced all my pretty lace gloves. I can't even find the serviceable white cotton ones. Strange. hmm. About the purple, you see, I was pitting cherries. I came across a recipe last night for a
Blueberry Ice Box Pie. I don't really care for blueberries, Martha, though they would have been easier but oh I love cherries. So I pitted 5 cups of cherries this afternoon and set out to see if I could make this recipe mine. I'll have to let you know tomorrow, the pie was "done" at 4:00 but needs 6-8 hours (or up to a day) in the fridge. Here's a picture though, it looks promising! Yes, I used a store bought crust, but this was an exercise in easy, Martha. Making a crust defeats that, though I suppose technically so does pitting cherries.

As I was doing the cherries, Tori and I were talking and I mentioned the dearth of REAL icebox pie recipes online. There seem to be many that involve baking, then storing in the fridge, but to me, anyway, an ice box pie doesn't need baking. Heating up the kitchen in July really doesn't appeal, you know?
Rachel Ray wouldn't make an ice box pie - at least not one that didn't involve canned pie filling and/or Cool Whip. Thanks, no. And
Paula Deen and
Ina Garten don't seem to mind heating up their homes. Martha, you were my last best hope. I looked, Martha, really I did. I mean, if Martha Stewart doesn't make ice box pies, where are the rest of us to turn?
I think Betty probably makes an ice box pie. Betty Crocker, that is.
Whatever you call it, it looks divine.
PS: I like blueberries.
I'm sorry...what did you say?? I can't take my eyes off the cherry pie.
Yes, pitting cherries kind of defeats the "easy". However, having a talk with your daughter over pitting cherries is priceless. (And yes, I sound like a mastercard commercial.)
The pie looks awesome.
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