Growing up there were always, ALWAYS three kinds of cereal in our kitchen. Dad ONLY ate Kellogg's Corn Flakes, mom ONLY ate Kellogg's Rice Krispies, and my little sister Sandra got whatever sugar cereal her precious heart desired. Sometimes she shared. ;o) Often that cereal was Sugar Crisp, since renamed "Golden Crisp" because please, we can't let parents know we're intentionally feeding their sweet babes sugar coated sugar. How about Sugar Smacks, Booberry, Cap'n Crunch, Sugar Pops, Apple Jacks, Froot Loops. Teeth hurt yet? How 'bout the roof of your mouth - that Cap'n was a killer!
The rest of us lived through the deprivation, and interestingly, Sandra is probably the closest to a whole food eater. She's lean and strong and eats to live. Me? Not so much. But that's no flashback.
Mmmm, Cocoa Krispies. Not to mention the chocolaty milk left in the bowl afterward.
I was brought up on Cheerios or Malt-o-Meal. But I'm sure I spooned on the sugar. But we didn't know any better then. Maybe we did--but not in my house.
No one every touched my dad's Cap'n Crunch,even his grandkids.Dave tried to once and got caught,it wasn't pretty.Or dad's candy drawer,off limits as well.We had Cheerios and Corn Flakes for the most part growing up.
Ow, my teeth ache. And dang it, I've got the jingle for Apple Jacks in my head now (A is for apple/J is for Jacks/cinnamon toasty apple jacks/you need a good breakfast/that's a fact/start it out with apple jacks - and so on - why should I be the only one to suffer?) We actually were rarely allowed those high sugar cereals, which just made them all the more a treat, I guess. And hey, did I grow up to be just like my mother in that respect? Well, yeah, pretty much - but I understand now that it's not cause she was horrible and cruel but because the thought of those cereals for breakfast just made her ill... :)
mmm good flashback. I'm def. wanting some honeycombs now!
Oh, Erika, be prepared to be disappointed. They've *healthied up* Honeycomb, and it didn't make the change too successfully. I actually sent them an email decrying the awfulness of their new and improved cereal. They wrote back (with a refund) and said I wasn't alone in my disgust. They're working on it.
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