Monday I was at the elementary school to read with my little 2nd grade friend. One of my grownup friends, the guidance counselor, heard my voice and begged me for a minute of my time before I left. But of course! It seems the mother of one of the students is returning (permanently?) to the Czech Republic. I don't know the details, but I know Susan didn't have much notice. Eva (the mom) has been a huge supporter of the multicultural unit the school does every May, and I think she and Susan have grown to be friends. And now she's leaving.
Susan asked if I had anything quilt-wise just lying around that I'd be willing to sell her as a gift for Eva. Today I went through what I had and nothing really seemed right. Since Susan is the annual requestor of a table runner, I thought what the heck - I'd make one early this year.
The colour isn't true in the picture, and I don't have the Photoshop skills to make it better. Probably I should have turned on a light. The red is true clear red. Feathers - very pretty. The little HSTs are actually a bubbly darkish blue, and the background is a leaf print ivory. I think (hope) it looks better in real life. I've used this simple block before, but for the life of me can't recall the name. Anyone?
So I'll take this to show Susan tomorrow, and if she likes it, I'll quilt it and and have it ready for her Thursday. Quickest turnaround in a V-E-R-Y long time.
It's beautiful. The recipient is very fortunate, and I'm sure will be very pleased.
I've made that block too - heck if I can remember what it's called. I'll probably wake up at 3am with it, as that's usually how these things go. Anyway, pretty!
Yeah!! That is better than laundry and groceries any day. Beautifully done!!
Can't think of anyone I know who would not love that. Understand about the turn around time.
As for laundry, groceries, etc - you did the important thing, make a quilt top for some one you like to give as a gift to some one she likes.
I wasn't thinking about this block... until I turned the page in my block-a-day calendar tonight (I'm rarely on the right day!) and there it was! At least the creator of that product calls it "Art Square." You, of course, may call it whatever you like ;)
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