Nick Garza, a 19 year old student disappeared from Middlebury College in the middle of the night February 5th. He hasn't been seen or heard from since. I can't even imagine the pain his family must be enduring. No word, no sight, no sign of their Nick.
From all accounts, he was a regular, good kid. I hope for his mother's sake, that the mystery of her son's disappearance is solved soon. More...
For the family of Lynne Schulze, it continues. Lynne, an 18 year old student disappeared from Middlebury College in December 1971. She hasn't been seen or heard from since.
From all accounts, she was a regular, good kid. Lynne's mother never received the comfort of a solution to the mystery of her daughter's disappearance. More...
Midd is not a big school. Middlebury is not a big town. We're not on the ocean, or surrounded by such inhospitable terrain that hiding a body guarantees a clean getaway. There are no handy interstate highways, or bus or train routes on which to escape. How is it that people can just walk or be dragged off the face of the earth, never seen again, alive or dead? How does that happen HERE?
My brother died when he was 20 (I was ten) and I thought it was the worst thing ever. My grieving mother said that it would have been even worse to have her child go missing and never know what happened to him. At least we had closure.
Honestly, I don't know how these parents get through their daily lives. So, so tragic.
I wonder how you can ever move forward in any way without knowing. Every thing you do would be colored by what if. Like some sort of permanent pergatory. Horrifying.
We asked that same question "here" when the most notorious killers in Canadian history killed and dismembered three beautiful young girls - and to think one of them is walking around free now makes me sick. I hope the fate of these young people has a much happier ending.
Irene, My husband and I drove not 1000 feet from the spot they found Kristen French, the day before they found her. Karla was WAY more involved than she was ever punished for - she knows it, and more importantly WE know it. If she lives a long life, I hope she is tortured every day by the memory of what she did to those 3 girls. And if someone decided that maybe justice won't be served until she and Paul are dead too, well...
You asked what happened? Schools are unaware of a problem with human physiology discovered when it caused mental breaks for office workers. The cubicle was created to prevent what designers believe is a harmless temporary episode of confusion.
I began to research the problem when my wife had a psychotic break in the payroll office of the University of Alabama thirty days after her office was changed eliminating Cubicle Level Protection.
There is a long list of these missing students. Brian Shaffer and Maura Murray are two examples.
Each time it happens a new set of friends and family begin to try and understand.
VisionAndPsychosis.Net is a five year investigation of Subliminal Distraction.
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