Pull fabrics for ALQS quilt - oops
Shape back Tori's sweater - started, not finished

Weed, weed, weed - not once

This week
Dinner Menu
Sunday - Pot roast with potatoes, salad
Monday - Salad supper, deli sandwiches
Tuesday - spaghetti, garlic bread
Wednesday - fried rice, egg rolls
Thursday - pork chops
Friday - grilled chicken, garlic noodles
Saturday - pizza
Attach binding to Sea of China
Pull fabrics for ALQS quilt
Finish back Tori's sweater
Weed, weed, weed
Drag brush
Work on front bed
pick rhubard
T-ball games Mon Wed Sat
Truck in for service Monday evening
Walk, water, vitamins. yada yada yada
Scott to airport
Joe & Nancy's party
Mmmm... pot roast. That was Sunday dinner (1pm) many, many weeks growing up. We'd come home from church to the smell... and the leftovers became sandwiches for my dad's lunch.
I think if I start out now I just might be able to make it in time for grilled chicken and garlic noodles.
Tell CB I will have a cuppa tomato, straight off the vine, thank you.
You are so awesome. I wish I had an ounce of gardening talent. I wrote about my gardening attempt on my blog today.
That's a cool idea, posting one's goals. If I did that, I could experience being publicly, rather than just privately, mortified.
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