Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fifty thing I like about myself

Debra offered her list of 50 things she likes about herself, and encouraged us, her readers to a) follow suit, and b) post a comment on her list pointing to our own lists. I expect this to be difficult, a wander through narcissism. As I commented to Debra, how sad that it would be FAR easier to come up with 50 things we don't like. That said, here's my list of 50 things I like about myself.

1. I don't believe there is anything I cannot do (given enough time and practice)
2. I have strong, muscle-y arms
3. I recycle. A lot.
4. I take my iron supplement every morning with prune juice, just because I should.
5. I make great sandwiches
6. and soups
7. and killer oatmeal chocolate chip cookies
8. I have unusually coloured eyes
9. that change colour based on my mood
10. I am Canadian
11. I stubbornly refuse to drop the u in colour, honour, and endeavour.
12. I remember phone numbers
13. My tastes in music are pretty divergent (but I really don't like techno)
14. I'm intuitive
15. I don't give in to worry
16. I know at least as much about Christianity as many of my Christian friends
17. I choose not to be religious
18. I accept the fact that cheap shoes are bad for my feet
19. I eat dessert if I want to
20. I know how to make butter tarts
21. and Nanaimo bars (see #10)
22. I'm generous with my time
23. I'll help you if I can
24. I'm resourceful
25. I'm great at fundraising
26. With a little effort, I have very attractive feet
27. I'm tolerant
28. I have a high threshold for pain
29. I don't swear (much)
30. I don't smoke
31. I'm pretty low maintenance
32. I like having a clean house
33. I enjoy cooking
34. I'm part of the creation of 3 beautiful, kind, intelligent children
35. and have regularly received complements on their attitudes and behaviour, since they were very little
36. I don't mind getting up early
37. I like baseball but don't feel the need to follow it obsessively
38. I make beautiful quilts
39. and give most of them away
40. I know how to knit
41. and crochet
42. and do counted cross stitch
43. I accept that sometimes a wheeled trashcan is just the right Christmas present
44. I read
45. I can find just about anything (of mine) in my house in less than 5 minutes
46. I love routine
47. I have friends I've loved since I was 7
48. I realize that being related to someone doesn't mean you have to like them.
49. I have beautiful gardens
50. I'm learning to live mindfully, and I like it.

Hey, that wasn't so hard, after all. Now you do it. It's a remarkable exercise, you'll be surprised. Then go see Debra and tell her about it.


Tanya Brown said...

Great meme! Very enjoyable to read, and very likeable.

Hedgehog said...

What a great idea! I did it, but don't think I'll post it. Might use it for a class this summer!

Anonymous said...

I grew up in Nanaimo, and my mother, who would have been 97 on May 29th, always maintained that Nanaimo bars first appeared at a bridge luncheon and were brought by a lady named Molly Bearce. I remember Mrs. Bearce vaguely, a true English lady. This was a group of the top society in Nanaimo and I've often wondered how my mother came to be a part of them as we had very little money and lived in a tiny rental house. I'm not a blogger but I love reading yours often.

Debra said...

Thank you for doing this! Isn't it fun? And didn't you feel better than if we did 50 things we didn't like about ourselves?