Monday, June 09, 2008

The opposite of helpless

Pronunciation:hel-pləs; Southern often ˈhep-ləs also ˈheəp-\
Function: adjective
Date: before 12th century
2 a: marked by an inability to act or react

Though you'd think the opposite of helpless should be helpful, it's really not, is it? Webster's suggests guarded, invulnerable, protected, resistant, shielded. I know I'm not helpless, and I think I'm not any of those things either.

Pronunciation: \ri-ˈsrs-fəl, -ˈzrs-\
Function: adjective
Date: 1851
: able to meet situations : capable of devising ways and means

There we go!

Yesterday when it was hellzillion degrees outside, I had no accurate means to measure the intensity of my misery. The display on the handy rear-view mirror mounted compass/temperature device in my truck was dark. There was no obvious battery compartment, no dangling wires or suspicious burning electronics smell. Ah ha! thought I, fuse. But which one? I pulled off the change holder to gain access to the interior fuse panel and checked the little map so cleverly printed on the back of the change holder. Mirrors? Nope. Ignition? Definitely no that one. Door chime? No, but I filed that info for future consideration. Well, it's a little thing, probably doesn't draw much power, so let's start with the 15 amp fuses. Nope, nope, nope, voila! The compass/temperature display is tied to the. . . (wait for it) . . . lighter! Of course it is! Pull that fuse, replace it with the only spare, and woohoo! It's 94º (34ºC) and I'm pointing NorthWest. Perfect.

Off to Survivor Greenhouse I go, to pick up some potentillas (see yesterday's list.) Better charge the cell phone, while I'm driving. Plug the charger into the lighter (see where this is going?) *POP* and my display's gone again. Merciful Apollo, how will I know when to flip if I can't see the temperature at which I'm broiling?!

I stopped at the auto parts store on the way home and asked for a couple of 15 amp fuses (this ain't over, I'm sure of it.) "Are you sure that's what you need?" Yeah, very sure. And could you check and see if the lens cover for my left fog lamp is in too? If I can find some shade I can get that on this afternoon too.

Helpless? Not me.


Tanya Brown said...

Oh, blast. I'm glad you were able to find the right fuse, sorry to hear that the cell phone puts it over the current limit. Had you previously been able to charge the phone without popping the fuse?

Anonymous said...

Clever girl!!and today is suppposed to be another hellzillion degrees plus a few.Should break a record here.Can't wait for the thunderstorms later,looks like they'll swing over you first before we get them here.