Pull fabrics for ALQS quilt
Finish back Tori's sweater
Drag brush - maybe this week?
Work on front bed - need more stones
pick rhubarb - too wet
Truck in for service Monday evening
Walk, water, vitamins. yada yada yada
Scott to airport
Joe & Nancy's party
Yesterday was also the Airing of the Quilts. If you participated but didn't send a picture, please do. Too late? Never! Go! Do it! Now!! It's like going to a quilt show without even leaving home!

I got the center of my ALQS quilt done, and it's AWESOME (if I do say so myself.) There's paper to remove (ugh) and then I'll finish it this week. or next .
This week
Dinner Menu
Sunday - BBQ Chicken
Monday - Salad supper
Tuesday - pancakes and bacon
Wednesday - dinner out
Thursday - burgers & salad
Friday - pizza
Saturday - grilled chicken
Sew down binding on Sea of China
Finish ALQS quilt
Finish right front Tori's sweater
Weed, weed, weed
Drag brush
Work on front bed
pick rhubarb
Replace the battery in that $%#& beeping smoke detector
Preschool snack Monday
Preschool graduation picnic Wednesday
Walk, water, vitamins. yada yada yada
Simon Boston Trip
Tori to Heifer Farm Friday Saturday Sunday
Wow -- that ship is stunning! Whatever you're planning is sure to be fantastic. See you for pancakes on Tuesday, OK? Yummm.......
Hi Dorothy,
I love how the ship turned out. What is the rest of the quilt going to be like?
Sailing takes me away....perfect ship D.
Wow, great centre - can't wait to see what the rest of it is going to be like...
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