Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Flashback

Back in the days before colour, when I was a youngster, I worked in a pizza/sub shop, New Orleans Pizza. What does New Orleans have to do with a smallish southwestern Ontario college town? Or with PIZZA for that matter? I never knew.

I might not have learned that bit of info, but I did learn a few other handy bits. If you offer to swab out the ovens, you don't have to clean the bathrooms. That's a very good thing on a Saturday night in a college town. Trust me. Also, bacon, onions, and green olives make a VERY tasty pizza. And this little trick, which has served me well now for more that 25 years. Iceberg lettuce is the "green" of choice for submarine sandwiches, and if you slam the stem end of said head of lettuce soundly on the countertop, you can remove the core in a single piece, providing an excellent port for washing the leaves from the inside.

1 comment:

Kate North said...

My mother taught me that trick when I was a kid (the lettuce one - not the tip about cleaning the ovens being a good way to get out of cleaning the bathrooms) but I used to get strange looks when I did it - glad to see others are aware of that piece of info!