Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ahhhh, that's better

I woke up late this morning (almost 7:30!) and it was still only 63º) outside. I can breathe again! Heat and high humidity just do me in, but this cooler, clearer weather is energizing. I'm still in my nightgown, but I've already got a load of laundry on the line, sucked back my second cup of coffee, and there are chocolate chip scones and low-fat bran muffins cooling on the counter.

I've had several days of poor eating habits, and that, like the weather, ends today too. The scale is being kind, but there's no point in losing the momentum I'd built up. I'm down (as of this morning) 20 1/2 lbs from the beginning of the summer. I'm pushing for another 4 1/2 before Labour Day, and the bad choices of the past few days aren't going to make that happen. On the docket for today - a salad and a walk, at minimum.

There are chores to be done, and it's time to get this show on the road, before I lose THAT momentum too.


Greg said...
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Vicky aka Stichr said...

scones...yum....none here though....just generic english muffins for my mom, coffee for me, and breast milk for Rhiley. I got to have Rhiley today for her mom's first day back at work....for a little while at least. A. called, wants to show off Rhiley at work.....shhh....

Warty Mammal said...

Congratulations on your weight loss! That is admirable progress.