Sunday, June 24, 2018

And again, it's Sunday

I am not going to bother getting groceries this week, beyond cereal, burger rolls, and spaghetti sauce. We have everything else!  Woo!  And there's plenty more in the freezer for next week.

My new mantra is "I want to be out of debt more than I want _this_, whatever this is.  And it's working!  Now that I'll begin having a biweekly paycheck, I can start regularly contributing to paying down the debt load we have.  I can't wait to be done with it!  Using savings and credit cards carried us through the time that Scott was without work, and then again when I was, but both of those situations are done, so it's time to climb out of the hole.  I should make a ticker!

Jen at work gave me a stack of size 24 month sized onesies (what 2 year old wears a onesie?!) that she wants cut into t shirts if I can.  I have permission to make one or two sacrificial, proof of concept test drives.  She'll pay me, maybe cash, maybe free meals, it's all good.   That's kinda/sorta job one, and maybe I'll do that instead of going to VQF.

The garden needs attention too - plenty of weeds.  Early last month I cleared a lot of scrubbiness along the side of the driveway, and it has grown into a beautiful wildflower mini-meadow, jam packed full of milkweed and daisies and... this. It's pretty, and I'm sure it has never grown here before, certainly not in the abundance of this year.  It's Valerian - an herb whose root is used medicinally to induce sleep and reduce anxiety.  Could have used this 6 months ago.  Or last year... no worries, I'll harvest and dry some of it this fall.  Maybe I'll start a collection, a pharmacy of sorts!

Anyway, yesterday's rain spoiled my laundry plans - it's dry now, and the washer's running.  It's not sunny, but there's enough of a breeze that things will almost dry.  I'll finish 'em in the dryer to knock off the pollen and soften the towels.

This Week:

Sunday - Vermont Quilt Festival?  Maybe not
Monday - City Band concert & Strawberry Festival
Thursday - Farmers Market
Friday - Payday!

What's for Dinner?

24 BBQ Chicken
25 Grilled Cheese
26 Fajitas
27 Spaghetti
28 Burgers
29 Pizza
30 Cold Meat & Salad
July 1 Canada Day!

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