Sunday, February 10, 2019

Feb 10! Already!

The new microwave works great (and by that I mean, it works)  Scott wants to test drive the Potato button 😕 <-puzzled face so we'll switch up the menu a little and have Baked Potatoes this week.  Fine with me, I love baked potatoes.  This microwave has far fewer buttons than the old one, and it's good.  We never figured out how to use most of the old ones.  This one has popcorn, potatoes, and quick :30, 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00.  Who could ask for anything more?

The cupboard's open in this pic because I edited my glass collection.  It's all gone to HOPE, along with a too-big curling iron, some old shoes, and a broken-bulbed spotlight.

I have washed the backing for Laura's quilt.  The end.  Maybe I'll layer today - Daniel wants a ride into Burlington this afternoon to hang out with a friend and play video games, a quick trip to Costco afterwards, maybe Price Chopper, and home.  I'll throw a chicken on the grill for dinner, and call it done.

Let's see:
February 0/10 (oops)
Week 1: what even was this?  Oh, right - after work snacking.  Except for Friday, this was a success!  I think just being aware of what was happening made me stop it.
Week 2: Better Breakfasts

My regular breakfast is a bagel.  No protein, no fibre, no redeeming qualities except ease and yumminess.  I'm going to try something.  If I make breakfast a priority, maybe I'll be less apt to grab easy but maybe not-so-good choices for lunch and snacks.  I have stuff to make rice bowls and breakfast sandwiches and oatmeal.  I'm not really hungry until about 9, so what I make has to travel.  No worries - I can do that.

What's for Diner?

10  BBQ Chicken
11Grilled Cheese
12 Baked Potatoes
13 Mac & cheese
14 meatloaf
15 Pizza
16 Hot Dogs
17 Pork Chops
18 Soup & Bread
19 Fajitas (Daniel cooks)
20 Lasagna
21 Chicken Sandwiches
22 Pizza
23 Mac & Cheese
24 Crockpot chicken thighs
25 Grilled Cheese
26 Omelets
27 Spaghetti
28 meatloaf
March 1 Pizza

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