Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I shouldn't be here

Online I mean. I've done nothing at hom yet today, except some basic tidying. I did spend my regular hour and a half at the Elementary School library, cataloging and shelving books, chatting with Maureen, and Susan, and Jackie. Feeding my grown-up. Now we're home again, and Daniel's watching PBS. Feeding his toddler. I'm also watching the stock yoyo, waiting for the exact perfect moment to sell just enough to pay for Tori's new teeth.

Orthodontia, now there's a racket. This practice has 3 doctors, 5 offices, 8 chairs per, and assume $3000+ per kid. That's a whole lot of cash moving through those doors every day. And you know, EVERY kid has some orthodontic need. With the metal that will go in the mouths of my three babes, we could be driving a new car. Insurance will certainly cover some (thank GOD!) but our co-pay would still have put a cute used Aveo in our garage. Ah well, they'll be gorgeous. And have a nice straight bite.


Rian said...

Dorothy, thank you for the advice on the tape for my foot. I went out and bought some today. Sorry to hijack your post but my email to you bounced. Take care.

QuiltingFitzy said...


I have a sweet blue Aveo in my garage. It is THE BEST car I have ever owned. Well worth my $200/mo. car payment that I can't afford. I've driven it from Houston to Cinci and out here to the west coast. It's a dream!

QuiltingFitzy said...

PS, If you look at my blog you can find my Aveo covered in snow last Christmas, and I mean COVERED!

Dorothy said...

Poor baby car! Bet she (and you) are happier on the soggy left coast.

Debra Dixon said...

When I took my cans to the recycle this week the handler told me scrap metal is the highest price it has even been. I wonder if that might affect braces prices!

Dorothy said...

Bite your tongue! Tori's $5400 smile better land her a rich husband in a few years. That's all I'm saying! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Ya know, our kids' dentist is a friend of ours, socially, and he is always going on amazing vacations, redoing his house, etc., and I find myself thinking, that could have been mine- it's my $$$! Guess I should have been a dentist/orthodontist. Sigh.

The Calico Cat said...

I lucked out (Or should say my parents lucked out) we had a "puller" dentist. So there wasn't any crowding. (I had a hellacious set of buckies though) Then came the teen years and we had my wisdom teeth extracted before they could wreak havoc. Now I am 30 something with straight teeth and never ever saw an orthodontist.

Next theory?
Welcome to the lounge.
Amy in DC - cat loving quilter