Monday, January 02, 2006


So I started my computer time "budget" today, and, would you look at that - by 10 I had a load of laundry put away, another folded and waiting to go upstairs, one in the washer, one in the dryer. The hall was cleaned and vacuumed, as was the kitchen. I have more laundry (don't I always?!) and I have to vacuum the crunchy living room, but, um, that's it. Hmm. Interesting...

I've committed more on the List and Finish thread on and should update my Webshots to reflect that. Doing Amanda's quilt without buying fabric is going to be a challenge. Shoulda stocked up before the New Year. ;o) I'm on the prowl for tartans that aren't flannel or wool. If anyone's got any to trade, please drop me a note (danguish at and let me know what I can repay you with. 4" strips or squares are perfect. I'll keep you posted with the progress. Shoot, if this staying-off-the-computer business actually works, hot damn! I could be done by summer!

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