Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Yeah Teri!

I think I can call Teri a friend - we see completely opposite sides of just about everything, but I like her anyway. :o) Check out her Road To California blue ribbon winning quilt! Yeah Teri!


Teri said...

Hi Dorothy! You're so funny. Yes, I consider you a friend. You know if I only had friends that thought like me, I would have... hmmm...two. I didn't know you had a blog until you told me. Now I will have another to read everyday.

Dorothy said...

Well, if I only had friends that thought like me, I'd be LUCKY to have 2. Congrats again, you deserve it, and I can't WAIT to see it live at VQF.

Debra Dixon said...

You gals have friends?

Dorothy said...

We have each other. Who needs anyone else?