Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Show and tell

Eight and a half pounds of quilt
Thirty six and a half pounds of ham.
My string quilt sections are done! My "good" sewing machine is awaiting a new foot pedal (cheaper than a diagnostic visit, and if it doesn't solve the problem I can return it to get my money back, and THEN send the machine off for repair. Nothing to lose except some time, and eh, I've got time. I killed my Big Foot, too, but the darning foot from my old machine worked just dandy. (It was upstairs on Tori's machine. She hasn't sewn since... 6th grade?) And my new favourite best ever freemotion quilting tool? Oooh, baby, my iPod! I sing along, which keeps me loose and breathing, and my stitches, as a result are even and smooth. I need to work up a quilting playlist, though. REM, Foo Fighters, and Lenny Kravitz weren't bad, but not quite the right tempo.

So, to put these together. Eee! I'm winging it from this point.


His Office, My Studio said...

Now I know what 8 pounds of quilts look like. I love the string blocks and I am working on 20 of they.

Dorothy said...

That 8.5 pounds is comprised of string blocks (168 of them @7" each, pieced onto muslin) plus backing (about 8 yards) plus diaper flannel batting (another 8 yards.) I can't imagine how heavy this behemoth would be if I'd used real batting. It would probably prevent rolling over in bed!

Jules said...

I quilt to REM all the time. Cute kid!

Anonymous said...

Daniel is adorable. Oh! and I went to a shop in Dolores, Colorado, and they insist Ricky Martin is THE free motion quilting music. Another shop in Awataukee, Arizona plays Ricky Martin too. Let me know if you wanna borrow my CD

Anonymous said...

way cool!!! and isn't Daniel a cutie? whoo-boy, you're gonna have fun when he gets older - those girls will burn up your phone line...

can't help with the music - I'm one of those "quiet" people.

Teresa said...

Love them dimples on that ham! Love the quilt, too!