Monday, March 12, 2007

Next 4

Yeah, I know that the last "Next 4" isn't done, but it's close, and it's my list on my blog, so pffffth! Sorry, that was rude.

Okay, next 4.
#1 *Something* for a Silent Auction fundraiser for Tori's class trip. Series of (4? 6?) postcards? Wall hanging? (doesn't thrill) Lap quilt? Maybe a Branching Out scarf? I'll ponder.

#2 Crazy for Spring. Easy one. I have rows of pink and green crazy quilt blocks sewn together into strips from a Row Robin on the Quilting Forum. I'll get the strips together, then tie this one with pink ribbon at each intersection. Easy. I haven't looked at the blocks yet to see if any need more embellishment, so I may be shooting myself in the foot here. Wouldn't be the first time.

#3 Map of the World. This is a panel, easily layered and simply quilted, more or less. I'm going to use a thin batt, hand quilt around the continents (maybe countries?), then add on a twill (duck, canvas?) frame that can be written upon. Simple binding. I'm thinking that with as much ocean as the world has, a little decoartive quilting might be required - I'm thinking mermaids and sea serpents, maybe the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria sailing toward Florida and the Bluenose heading out from Nova Scotia. Geographically, but not necessarily historically accurate.

#4 Quilt for Bevin. I've only got one "Turning 16 this Year" Christmas quilt, I'm actually caught up as of this Christmas. I'm thinking of Courthouse Steps with alternating black and batik logs.

Oh, and even though I know she doesn't read this, Happy Birthday to my little sister who turns 40 today. Old bag. ;o)


Unknown said...

Hey ... turning 40 DOES NOT make one an old bag!!! And my Goodness, but your boobies look grand!!!

Vicky aka Stichr said...

I love maps...can you post a picture of the map of the world panel? please!