Friday, April 20, 2007


Got my hair colored and cut, got my eyebrows done (it's been YEARS!) and check out that arch! Went to Costco, took myself out for lunch. What a great day! I haven't sewn or knit a stitch in a few days but I must soon. That Map of the World needs to be done shortly. It's not a hard one, couldn't be much easier in fact, but I need to cut some black borders and I'm not sure my right arm is up the reach yet. Maybe tomorrow, maybe Sunday, maybe next week.

Does every Costco sell this? Innkeeper's Apple Strüdel Bread. There is (was) a diner in Burlington that would often have this bread as french toast on the Sunday morning menu. The diner is temporarily closed, sold by the previous owners, so Parkway Diner Apple Strüdel French toast may sadly be only a sweet memory. Except at my house! Tori will be happy, it's her favourite.

I've resurrected an old blog, my garden journal Please Pass the Shovel. It's not much now, no pictures, no nothing except my happy blather about things outside. It's finally spring, I think - the last of the snow melted yesterday. Today, it was 73º.


Christine Thresh said...

I'm glad you are up and taking nourishment.

Deb Geyer said...

I'm going to look for the apple struedel bread at my Costco! It looks yummy!

Suze said...

Ya never know with Costco...I have 3 of them near me and they all carry different things...which seems odd to me...In one, I can get cream cheese in the little silver packets like you get at the bagel shop and the other two the only way to get cream cheese is to buy huge bricks (which goes bad before I can consume it...since the package gets opened..) In one of the other stores, I can get FUZE drinks, the others don't carry of them had prune plums for weeks last year (we make dumplings out of the prune plums) - the other one I checked only had them for a week!

Vicky aka Stichr said...

I have been able to get that bread from our Tacoma store before, haven't tried in the Silverdale store. As for the Gig Harbor aint built yet, darn it!

Rian said...

Your eyes are beautiful. Like rainbows of color. What did you put on your driver's license for eye color?

Dorothy said...

Well, thanks Rian. My Dl says my eyes are green. Some days they are. ;o)

Do you remember the National Geographic from the mid 80s with the Bedouin girl on the cover? I've had several people over years tell me she has my eyes. Maybe I have hers. I've always liked the unusualness of my eye colour. From a family where everyone else's are sky blue, it gave me something of my own.