I might, if the whim strikes, do something in red and white, or blue and white, and throw that into the package when I mail these off to Katie this week, so she can choose what she likes. She requested traditional colours, so that's where I went, but gee, they're really not thrilling, are they?
What else? I finally got started on the quilting of this round of my Nesting Robin. Just in time to be behind for the next clue (today.) I'll share a pic next week when I'm done. I'd like to say it's inspired, INSPIRED!! but it's not. Not yet anyway. I've just posted the title of the next book, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. I've got an idea for that one, it should place nice in the quarter circle corners.
I also knitted, and I've assembled everything for mom's cross stitch. Well, everything but new batteries for my headlamp. This thing is stitched on 28 count linen. Short of outside, at noon in the middle of July, I don't know that there would ever be enough light for me to work on this without my tiara. Add triple As to my shopping list. Oh, and yesterday I put the first coat of red on the front door. Looks scrumptious from a distance. Up close it needs at least another coat. Maybe two. I have an old fashioned doorbell (a little like this) that needs to go out there too, but I think maybe I'll slap a lick of paint on the inside of the door first to avoid the whole un-screwing everything routine again. Then I think I might have to go off in search of a new outdoor (ceiling) fixture. You know how these things go. Sigh.
You're practically a whirling dervish these days. I could sure use some of your energy!
You've got me thinking about several painting projects that need doing. When I painted the door barn red-Hubster bought me a beautiful brass ship's bell for outside to match the carriage lamps. Everything needs polishing and sprucing. I'd better get to it! Thanks for the kick in the pants.
Yeah, you're putting us to shame. Are you pregnant? HAHAHAHA, jk.
LOVE the doorbell!
I have something to show today too, now to get it posted!
Funny you mention your tiara. Having recently experienced impending blindness from hand-piecing hexies, I've had to buy brighter bulbs and stronger readers. Since I'm getting into the stratosphere of correction strength, I've had to look far and wide. I thought about you and your tiara while I was hunting--wondering if it had worked satisfactorily. Guess so, if you're replacing the batteries.
When do you sleep???
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