A month ago I bought some wood and brackets to make shelves in the garage. That whole room is one of those energy drains that Debra referred to on her (wonderful, check it out) blog the other day. A big one. To get the shelves where they had to go I needed to pull out a lot of accumulated detritus - some of it having landed there when we moved here more than seven years ago. Energy drain? More like giant oozing energy wound. After a few hours, the mess was out, the shelves were up and I was getting happier and more inspired by the minute. Tori picked up on it, and opened a Rubbermaid tote to discover *JOY* music! My circa 1990 CD collection - Roxette! Depeche Mode! Pet Shop Boys! Violent Femmes! Siouxie and the Banshees! The Go-gos! Even a legitimate (is that possible) bootleg Barenaked Ladies from before they were anything. She's in heaven - what's better than the lighter side of "hard core"? Old school emo! My little girl's silver teeth grinned, her black-liner'd eyes sparkled. This was like Christmas, and she had no idea she was helping me move through a fog. We both had fun, and I'm going to let her think she won the biggest prize.
After hauling the freecycle pile to the front step (LOVE freecycle), and a shower, and some soul soothing chicken and dumplings (love my crock pot too) I sat down, picked up Joy, and finished those berries. Then started on the Kloster stitching (you'll see.) When it got too dark to see even with reading glasses and the tiara, I fired up Bloglines, picked up my knitting and spent another hour multi-slacking.
So, it's coming. I can see that it would be as easy to slip back into the fog as to walk out of it. Eyes forward!
You do more in a funk than I do at my best-go girl! I'm in awe...AWE I tellya
As another ENTJ (though mostly J and less of the others, LOL) I know where you're coming from. Really must adopt that phrase "multi-slacking"...
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