Show and tell time: First thing done(ish) this week was the previous round of the Nesting Robin. I showed that a few days ago, so I won't bore you with it again. Followed that triumph with a sorta-start to sorta-finish on Falling Down Drunk.

The blocks were well seasoned, it was time. Thursday I started sewing, Friday I finished, this morning I steamed them into something resembling a right angled quadrangle. It's not too shabby, but I'd have liked to have taken a little more care with some of the placements. I guess without a design wall (I have a design floor that I share with everyone who walks here) it's harder to see pattern and movement, but I like it well enough, so it's fine. I can see that even though I am not as prolific a quilter as some, in the 15 years I've been making quilts, and in the 7 or so since I made these specific blocks, my skills have improved considerably. That's kinda nice to know. I'll get this layered up this week, but I can't imagine I'll find much time to do any quilting. It's another one of those weeks.

A few other non-needle pursuits this week too, but the natives are growing restless. It's Sunday morning and they want food. Imagine.
I'm falling down in awe about your falling down drunk top. It is really cool (and will be really cozy someday).
The top is awesome. The play of color and shape in this piece is beautiful.
Loved both the quilt top and the scarf, can't wait to see the finished cross stitch. I just found this site, and think I will have to add it to my favorites.
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, how I love that quilt top! Just fabulous.
: )
Wow, thanks! Christine, the top is fairly small, 32" x 36" and I think I will quilt it fairly heavily, so it won't end up cozy, but it can still look that way. And hopefully, that *someday* won't be too far off. I'm seriously trying to get a handle on all these almost projects I have around here. My daughter (for one) would disagree, but for me, right now, done really is better than perfect.
Holy cow, you've been busy!
The quilt top is beautiful; you have such a great sense of color and composition.
Wow! you are really using your free time to finish things up!!
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