The return of Joy. Straight and level, and (best) done. Looks like someone's been nibbling the berries, though. Those will be filled up, I'll kloster on, and next up is some satin stitched hearts, then hardanger, more kloster and then (ugh) more berries.

The hardanger looks like more work than it actually is, so time willing, next week's picture should be impressive.
Falling Down Drunk is quilted, and not too shabby if I do say so myself. As I admitted the other day,

I don't have a lot of practice free motion quilting, and so, not a lot of skill. But I don't think these are too shabby. I mean, you can tell what they are right? My thinking is that if I had more
drawing skill, then the ability to translate images to thread would be similarly better. So there you go.

More knitting on the mystery gift this week too. I'd have guessed I'd be out of wool by now, but I'm not. I'll persevere, but I'm not buying any more. When I run out, I'm done. Oh, and I TOTALLY ran out of time to do that skull hat. Guess I dropped $75 at Knits and Bolts for no reason. ;o) Maybe in time for next year.
Love the quilting on Falling Down Drunk!
LOVE Falling Down Drunk.. and the quilting is wonderful! (from someone who has had way too much experience with free motion quilting...).
I have 2 friends who do hardanger.. and I never heard of it until I met them. It seems to be some kind of Scandinavian thing??
Great job, as always!!!
I'm not so sure I could do the little stuff anymore, lol, but I love watching you do it!
Falling down drunk is spectacular. I love the leaf quilting and it looks great. my Oma made curtains for the living room(big windows!) with Hardanger borders. She taught me how but that was years ago and my eyesight is not good enough for that small work anymore. I'd give anything to have some of the beautiful pillowcases she made. Joy is going to be a treasure.
Love the Joy and the Fallling Down Drunk (it gave me an idea for the Hoffman challenge I am thinking of doing).
The free motion leaves looked very nice - I would say you are successful since you could tell what they were.
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