Saturday, February 09, 2008

Yeah, it's snowing again!

(ugh) I'm running out of places to put the stuff! They're forecasting another 6 inches maybe.

I think I'll stay inside and eat work on Phillip's quilt. I spent an hour or so digging through the scrap bin and after pulling a few brighter greens and aquas off the shelves came up with this pile. I'll iron and trim and see what I've got. Stay tuned.


Tanya Brown said...

I like these colors. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

Oh - and we have sunshine here, inches and inches of it. It's shirtsleeve weather, particularly if you're working. Winter is brutal!

Kate North said...

too bad you can't send some to us, as my kids would love it. Though i have to say, we really enjoyed today, which was springlike - though it will get colder again before winter is through - and more to the point, rainy, as this is England, after all!

Vicky aka Stichr said...

Snow has been a deep problem here too...well in the mountains and eastward. The DOT has had to get creative about where to put it can only fling it so far before it starts coming back attcha.