The L.A. Lakers are playing the Boston Celtics in the NBA finals, for the first time in 21 years. I don't follow basketball, I couldn't name more than a handful of current players. Or even famous past players, for that matter. But when I was in High School, back in the days before colour*, my French teacher, Mme Barnett was a huge fan.

It was odd, actually, this middle aged Canadian woman who wore sensible shoes and always, always a skirt and jacket, could be distracted from reading Le Petit Prince for the entire class simply by the mention of Magic Johnson or Larry Bird.
*when Tori and Simon were little, I told them that everything was black and white when I was a kid. They didn't invent colour until the mid 70s. They believed me, for a while anyway. I'm mean that way.
when Tori and Simon were little, I told them that everything was black and white when I was a kid.
You're fun. I'll bet your kids are going to look back on their childhoods with great fondness.
When the Lakers are in the playoffs or finals, basketball is like a religious experience around here.
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