Yesterday millions of Americans racked up more consumer debt trying to buy themselves a happy holiday. Probably thousands were injured in the lunacy. At least three were killed. Killed! For discounts on crap that no one really needs anyway! We've spent the last three months in agony over the impending recession, and people are willing to do just about anything to get that killer deal on an overpriced game system or a flat screen tv. Happy Thanksgiving, folks, and Merry Christmas too. If that's your idea of holiday cheer, you can keep it, I'm not interested.
I didn't shop yesterday, I sewed, and I surfed, and I shoved more food in my mouth than was decent. Enough of that nonsense too, by the way. I cleaned the litterbox and emptied the dishwasher. And before I could stop her, Tori did the dishes for me. It's catching.
One of the blogs I came across, Something to Say, had a link to this, Kelly Rae is Calling all Hearts to do something huge. And let me tell ya, I jumped all over it. My donation was probably less then the cost of the gas I'd have used if I'd done the "boosting the economy" thing, but it made me feel a million times better than any retail therapy could have. Go. Read. Give. And push away from the table. You'll feel better.
I'm sickened by this so much I had bad dreams last night. It happened less than 25 miles from my home here on the Island. Barbaric and all to have "things" They kept on shopping while EMT people were trying to help the guy who died. What a shameful thing.
Thank you for the opportunity to help. Done. Alexis
Your post of yesterday resonated, as does this one. The Wal-Mart story was sickening. It shouldn't be necessary to have riot police on hand to monitor the sale of crap.
This is a good time of year to kick back and be thankful, and as you have done, to extend a helping hand to others.
The mass consumption of crap shouldn't enter in to it.
Hey Dorothy (and Dee) ;)
I read that and felt sick. Someone dying so someone else could save $100 on a big screen tv. It doesn't make sense to me. I try to put myself in that situation and think ... does someone yell out to everyone to stop because someone else is injured? Do they not see him while they are stomping onto of him to get in the store?
Anyway. Thank you for making the donation. It made my day feel much better. And for the link love.
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