Saturday, December 13, 2008

All the cool kids are doin' it

Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Oh, I like both, but the fat! The calories!! I try to indulge in neither, but when I do, it's usually hot chocolate. With whipped cream. ;o)

Does Santa wrap presents or set them under the tree?
Santa's gifts, and ONLY Santa's gifts come wrapped in gold paper with big luscious bows. And they don't appear before Christmas.

Colored lights on tree or white?
Coloured, please. This year we splurged on LED lights - plenty of sparkle and the electric meter doesn't threaten to spin off the wall.

When do you put your decorations up?
Uh, tomorrow? Yeah... tomorrow

What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?
Soft white rolls with lots of butter.

Favorite Holiday memory as a child:
My mother loved the idea of a big, blow-out Christmas, 'though money was always tight. She'd wrap everything, ANYthing, just to have a zillion presents under the tree. When we got socks and underwear, each pair would be wrapped separately. We'd get little sample sized bottles of shampoo, and baby powder, and Avon samples, all wrapped in scrpas of last year's paper. And every year someone's big gift came wrapped in the Sorel boots box. I don't remember the boots, or whose they were even, I remember the box that got saved and re-filled every Christmas for years. I'm sure the box outlasted the boots.

When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
We didn't do Santa. I learned my truth about Santa when we had kids.

Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
As a young kid, we opened everything Christmas Eve. Christmas morning was for church. Now, we open everything Christmas morning.

How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
I drink coffee and play Christmas music and let the kids do it.

Snow! Love it or Dread it?
I love the look, don't mind the cold, put up with the shovelling.

Can you ice skate?
Is it like riding a bike? I used to know, but it's been a long time.

Do you remember your favorite gift?
Every year is a new favourite. I love the racecar I got last year.

What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you?
Peace on earth, goodwill to all men. Someday, maybe...

What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
Cookies. All cookies. and pie.

What is your favorite tradition?
Through December, we haul out all the Christmas books and read a different story every night. Tonight's selection - Olive the Other Reindeer (she's a dog)

Which do you prefer, Giving or Receiving?
Wow, loaded question, huh? I love selecting and giving the best possible presents, but it's so nice to be on the other side, too; knowing someone has spent so much time thinking of me, making the effort to choose something they hope, hope, hope I'll like... ahhhh, that's nice.

What is your favorite Christmas Song?
When a Child is Born

Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum?
Yum. And I agree with Amy - Candy Cane Kisses? Even better!

Ever recycled a Christmas present?
Um, don't think so.

1 comment:

AmyB said...

I love the idea of reading a Christmas story every night. Sort of an Advent calendar with all the gifts being time spent together :)