Sunday, December 07, 2008

The week

Last week

continue work on Tori's sweater
finish chicken pin cushions
make Christmas cards for craft fair if time (and interest) allow

Monday - Scott to airport
Wednesday - Simon Orthodontist
Friday - Sinterklaas
Saturday - Craft Fair

You know, I could probably have left next week's menu exactly the same, we didn't actually follow it at all. It was just one of those "let's have cereal for dinner" kind of weeks. You'll notice that except for the Not-a-Deer deer picture on Wednesday, it's been crickets and tumbleweeds on my blog lately. Not so much here at home though. Anything to show? Nah, except some exceptional eye bags. I did fit a haircut in there, though. Nice thing about living in a small town, I can call Julie and she'll say sure, she can squeeze me in tomorrow at 3. And when I show up at 3:10, she's not impatiently tapping her foot, but rather already has my tea ready and the water in the hairwash basin warmed up.

Yesterday was the After School Enrichment Program craft fair. My table was emptier a 3 than it had been at 9, and I saw lots of people I haven't seen in a while, so I consider the day a rousing success. I even made a few bucks!

Scott made it home from his tour of the Northeast; never without an adventure, that one. He managed to get on an earlier flight to NYC Monday than he'd planned (oops) and so had to take a cab to the hotel instead of meeting up with another guy flying in for the same conference. From there, a few days later, he flew to Buffalo. His bag of clean clothes had grander plans and went to St. Maarten. Buffalo -- St. Maarten. How does baggage handler guy get THOSE TWO confused? Especially in December?! Bags arrived in Buffalo after Scott had gone on to Toronto. They caught up with him just in time to come home. After that drama, a nice easy flight home, yes? Oh noooooo. A personal crisis prevented the friend he was supposed to be meeting from taking him back to Buffalo to catch a cheaper flight home, so he grabbed a VIA Rail ticket. Train leaves Toronto at 8:30. Flight leaves Buffalo at 2:25. Driving, Toronto to Buffalo takes 2 hours, tops. But there's an international border in the middle. VIA schedules a 2 hour border stop (and border patrol does a thorough job of screening passengers.) He made the Buffalo to Dulles flight with just a few minutes to spare. Gets to Washington with a couple hours to make his connection. Easy, peasy. Uh, really? Have you not been paying attention? The flight pulls away from the gate at 5:15, right on time. It taxies around for a while, pulls back up to the gate. Fix something, pull away, drive around, pull back up. Lather, rinse, repeat. He should have been home at 7:30. His flight left Dulles (eventually) at 11:30. He was in bed and snoring by 2:15. There's that happy ending.

This week we're all going to sit on our collective butt and do absolutely nothing. Or something like that. ;o)

This week

Dinner Menu
Sunday - Roast Pork Loin w/Salt and Pepper Potatoes
Monday - Tomato Soup and grilled cheese
Tuesday - Fried rice and egg rolls
Wednesday - Stew and biscuits
Thursday -Spaghetti and garlic bread
Friday - pizza
Saturday - Macaroni and Cheese
Sunday - Roast Chicken

continue work on Tori's sweater
start border blocks for string quilt

truck in for service
schedule optometrist appt
Mail Christmas packages to Canada

1 comment:

AmyB said...

Wow -- I bet Scott was happy to be home after all that! It's too bad he couldn't follow the path his luggage took... I'd go *almost* anywhere in order to NOT go to Buffalo!