Friday, March 06, 2009

Green Pinwheels

I've been working on a pinwheel quilt, and it has dredged up a memory, one I'd completely misplaced. I've always said my not-quite-square Boston Commons quilt was the first quilt I ever made. Well, yes. And no.

When I was 7, 8, 9... I don't remember, I attended Pioneer Girls at our church. It was once a week, after school for a few hours. Girl Scouts, kinda/sorta, but without the Baden-Powells, and with a whole lot more God. Well, sure. (Lotta good THAT did me.) But I digress...

We learned cooking, I think, probably some embroidery or crafts. I remember a "charm" course we took that taught us how to wash our hair and pose pretty for photos. And at one point, someone taught us how to hand piece and hand quilt. I made a green and white double pinwheel block that got layered, quilted, and folded in half to make a zippered pencil case. I can picture it vividly, but if you'd asked me, even a month ago what my first quilt was, you'd be shown this. (It really IS as bad as it looks, worse, actually.)

1 comment:

Sheri said...

The colors blend very well.