Sunday, May 10, 2009

Weekend Update

Last week

Cut fabric for Tom's quilt

Monday to Friday - Staff Appreciation
Monday, Wednesday - T-ball
Wednesday - Staff Luncheon

Oh, what a week! Neighbours Joe and Nancy had a Cinco de Mayo party last night, and I was fully prepared to go, but then we had a thunderstorm, and I figured I'd wait for it to pass before walking over. So I sat down, and just never really got back up.

Staff Appreciation at the elementary school took up much of my week, and as much as I enjoy doing it, I'm glad it's over. I'll take down the bulletin board and wall of handprints maybe this afternoon, maybe tomorrow, and that will be it. Until next year.

I finally got the cutting deck on the tractor Friday and spent a few glorious hours clearing my head and cutting the grass. Simon finished it up yesterday, but not until after summoning a neighbour (thanks Matt!) and rescuing me from the (oops) bottom of a very steep hill that I hadn't intended to go down. Rubber tires and brakes are about useless on a slick clay hill covered with dry leaves and pine needles. At least I didn't hit the tree or land in the creek.
Hmmm... While I wait for Simon to come out and finish the lawn, let's see what the big trail looks like.

Not too bad, I'll run the mower on the highest setting just to tidy things up a little.

Oh, hmm. We've reached the big fork. Which way should I go?

The main trail looks pretty clear.

Gee, the small deer trail doesn't look too bad either. It hasn't rained for a few days, should be fine to drive on until I get to the top of the hill, then I'll back out.

This is where I should have stopped.

This is where I tried to stop. Gee, a little steeper than I remember, and a whole lot slicker.

See that stump way down there at the bottom? Missed that. And the tree beyond that? I stopped about a yard before that (but was pretty darn sure most of the way down I was gonna hit it.)

Had I chosen the other trail, I don't imagine the story would have ended any better.

This week

Dinner Menu
Sunday - kids cook - grilled chicken breasts, green beans, little red potatoes
Monday - chicken vegetable soup
Tuesday - lasagna
Wednesday - pork chops, fried potatoes
Thursday - bbq chicken
Friday - burgers
Saturday - mac and cheese

Finish Tom's quilt top. Layer for quilting. 1/2 hour every day!

Monday, Wednesday - T-ball
Tuesday - Simon Orthodontist
Thursday - Kindergarten sub
Friday - Creemee stand opens!!


Sara said...

I had to laugh at the photos of your "ride" on the lawn mower! Love the telling of the story!

Menu for the week looks great!

DebbyMc said...

Yikes! Scary! Oh, I love the ice cream stands in the east and look forward to that part of my summer time in NY....(I'm assuming that is what the Creemee stand is) favorite one got destroyed in the flood in 2006 so have had to find another but they are
all over near me looks great =-)

julieQ said...

It looks great! An inviting path...sorry about the "incident" with the mower!!