Sunday, March 14, 2010

Deeeeeeeep breath, aaaaand relax (for a minute)

Next Week

Finish Stained Glass Windows

Monday - Sub 1N am, 3W pm
Tuesday - PBSI meeting 3:10
Tuesday - Daniel ASEP
Tuesday - CG meeting

Wednesday - Hair cut
Thursday - McGuire conference 7:30
Friday - In service - no school!
Saturday - Talent Show
(Sunday - collapse in exhaustion)

For today, that's it. I'm beat. Oh, and happy Pi Day. Ours will be cherry.

Next Week

Dinner Menu - Mar 14 - Mar 27

Sunday - Sweet & Sour pork with rice
Monday - tomato soup, grilled cheese
Tuesday - Chicken sandwiches
Wednesday - Spaghetti & garlic bread
Thursday - Daniel's Birthday - Chicken Cordon Bleu, buttered noodles, corn on the cob
Friday - pizza
Saturday - burgers
Sunday - beef stew
Monday - chicken fajitas
Tuesday - quiche and salad
Wednesday - mac and beef
Thursday - pork chops, fried potatoes
Friday - fish and chips
Saturday - pizza

re-do Next 4 list

Monday - Sub Martin a.m.
Thursday - Daniel's turns 7!
Thursday - Hair cut?
Friday - Sub Foley


Vicky aka Stichr said...

Birthday Daniel!!!!!! 7?? wow, 7!!

Suze said...

Happy Pi Day to you too! ours was coconut cream..had it for brunch since its mostly an egg custard with some coconut flakes in it..