Sunday, August 08, 2010


Last Week


Sew 30 minutes every day
finish blocks for Nic's quilt
more blocks for Ellie's quilt


Monday - band concert
Thursday - Tori exam Middlebury

begin retaining wall in corner
get details on Field Days entry
weed - harvest - garden things.

Well, that was a productive week! This was yesterday's haul from the garden - and there's more where that came from. I picked a small banana pepper after this picture too, but, um, don't remember where I left it. I'll head out and look for it in a few minutes. I need to water, anyway.

The weather turned wonderful at the end of the week - it had been 90ºs and 75%+ humidity, but that cleared out Thursday night and we woke to 50º and breezy. Ahhhh, glorious!

While it was hot, I tried to stay in and sew - I got all the blocks done for Nic's quilt and will get that top done this week. I heard from the organizers that the raffle for Ellie won't be held until late winter/early spring, so I can move it down the list a little. The pressure's off.

Thursday Tori got her driver's license. I've sent her to the store twice already! :o) Handy!

What else...? Not so much? Dunno, I'm headed to the sewing machine for an hour or so, than back outside. Weeds wait for no one.

Next Week

Dinner Menu - August 1 - August 14

Sunday - grilled chicken thighs
Monday - stuff your own baked potatoes
Tuesday - lasagna
Wednesday - Tori - tacos
Thursday - Simon -??
Friday - Daniel - Calzones
Saturday - grilled kielbasa and potatoes
Sunday - pork chops
Monday - deli sandwiches
Tuesday - Tori - ??
Wednesday - Simon - ??
Thursday - Daniel - ??
Friday - pizza
Saturday -breakfast for dinner


Sew 30 minutes every day
Assemble top for Nic's quilt
finish blocks for Ellie's quilt


Monday 7:30 am - Innisbrook meeting.
Monday - quilt to Field Days (before noon)
Monday - band concert
Wednesday, Thursday - Perseid Meteor Shower
Next Sunday - Pie & Ice Cream Social
begin retaining wall in corner
weed - harvest - garden things.

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