Sunday, December 08, 2013

Oh dear, a week already.  Well, let's make an effort anyway.

Last Week
*Finish Craft Fair items*
Tuesday - Volunteer libary
Tuesday - VUESCG Holiday meeting and potluck.
Wednesday - Simon's glasses in?  nope Thursday - SINTERKLAAS!
Thursday - Sub EP 2pm
Friday - p/u Tori after work
Saturday - ASEP Craft Fair
Saturday pm. - return Tori to school

It was quite a week! This morning, with nothing on the calendar except a concerted effort to be gentle to myself, I slept until 8:30. I NEVER sleep that late, and it was glorious.  Threw the rest of my day off, though, because it was well after noon before I finished the paper and had to start thinking about what to have for dinner.  I should plan ahead for Sundays.

To Do this Week
Simon's glasses in?
Monday - School Concerts
Tuesday - Volunteer library
Wednesday 1/2 Day Inservice
Wednesday - Christmas shopping with Jackie & Allison?
Friday - work until 2
Friday - Collect Tori and Simon after 5

Meal Menu
Sunday - garlic chicken
Monday - Chicken fingers, fries
Tuesday - Pork loin roast, scalloped potatoes
Wednesday - Mac & Cheese
Thursday - pancakes, bacon
Friday - Pizza
Saturday - Shepherd's Pie
Sunday - dunno... sigh

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