Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Happy New Year!

Well, that was fun!  (and by fun, I mean I wished the family a happy new year and went to bed.)

Resolutions... no.  But plans.  Some I can and will discuss here, others not.  Or not yet.  Not sure.  I want to be healthier this year.  I'm not unhealthy, but there's always room for improvement.  I want to spend more time intentionally, not so much letting hours slip away with games on my iPad (Candy Crush I'm looking at you, here.) 

I, again this year, have no nieces or nephews turning 16, so no push for a Christmas quilt, but I want to spend more time with a needle.  Quilting, knitting, maybe embroidery.  I, ahem, was made an offer I couldn't refuse a few weeks ago.  Since I couldn't, I didn't.  And this now lives at my house.  Oh my.  It sings when you turn it on.  So do I!  That's almost a foot  of space between the needle and the touchscreen.  A FOOT!  So there will be quilting, oh my yes.

I don't do the formal resolution thing anymore, really.  For the past almost 10 years I have instead followed the wisdom of Christine Kane and chosen a word, a touchstone, a guide for BEing.  I'll share tomorrow.  It took a while to arrive, but when it did, this word settled in (mostly) comfortably.  It will require a change of habit, and a change of mindset, but I believe it points me in a direction I want need to go.

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