Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Snow Day Sew Day!

Well, a couple of hours anyway.  School was cancelled today in advance of a storm that kinda/sorta busted.  We did get about 8 inches of snow, but most of it came after the busses would have been off the road anyway.  But no school means no after school, and no after school means no after school meal, soooo... I got a few free hours.  And I sewed!  No pics, maybe tomorrow - I worked on Braiden's quilt so a Christmas update would not be out of the question

And I knitted!  I'm on teeny hat #2 for the American Heart Association Big Hearts Little Hats (?) program, making tiny red hats for ICU babies.  Fast and fun and gosh, it's not like I don't have yarn (a lot!) lying around that  could be used for a better purpose than dust collection.

I didn't make that tiniest one, my friend Erin did, but it'll get sent off with mine when I have this next one day.  There are tiny babies with cold heads!

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