There's the happy new driver! Daniel passed his test Thursday, although they should really have taken off points for him showing up 2 weeks early. ;) We've been out a few times, and I'm remembering how bad I am at this. I am not cut out to be a Driver's Ed teacher, that's for darn sure! He'll learn, I doubt I will. It'll be nice to have someone to send to the store, in about a year.
Scott still has no job. I've stashed a chunk of green calcite to draw prosperity near where he sleeps. Maybe I'll find some green candles and do the one week ritual. Can't hurt, right? It worked for me!
Monday night there's a Dance Party for the employees at work. HR is throwing it, so HR has to make an appearance. And that means me. Ugh. It doesn't even start until 10! 1 drink, show my face, and I'm going home. I mean, I still have to be at work at 8 the next day! Boss is on vacation from Tuesday through next Wednesday as well. There's no getting out of this, so I guess I'll just have to plan to have fun.
This morning I decided to take care of the zucchini that has been hanging out on my counter. And the half bag of chocolate chips, the handful of walnuts, 1/2 container of sour cream, the bit of Scharfen Berger bittersweet chocolate, the just past date 1/2&1/2... and the oven, again!, agreed to cooperate. Not in this pic - the other dozen muffins. Breakfasts for the week! Those square ones are zucchini walnut, the invisible ones are zucchini chocolate chip, the scones used the sour cream and Scharfen Berger. You also can't see that one of them is history. 😊
It's drizzling out right now, so any remaining laundry will have to wait. I think I'm going to go see if the kettle I noticed at Goodwill last time is still there. Maybe they'll have another pants hanger too - the GREATEST way to put away leggings and yoga/sweat pants.
This week:
Monday - Staff Party
Wednesday - Dinner with Allison
Friday - Pay Day!
Let's see what's for dinner this week - I've checked the freezer and I can get pretty far this week again with minimal grocery shopping.
22 Bratwurst, beans, roasted potatoes
23 Grilled Cheese
24 Pork chops, green beans, mashed potatoes
25 ravioli (Daniel)
26 hot dogs
27 Pizza
28 Nachos
29 Roast Chicken
30 grilled cheese
31 Meatloaf & pierogis
1 Spaghetti
2 Chicken strips & Fries
3 Pizza
4 Hot Dogs
6 Grilled Cheese
7 Quiche & Salad
8 lasagna
9 Baked Potato bar
10 Pizza
12 Grilled Cheese
13 Fried Rice
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